
The President’s Advisory Council

The Museum’s President’s Advisory Council (PAC) is a special volunteer advisory council appointed by the president together with the board chairman. The PAC members have experience and expertise in all areas of the Museum’s work and bring valuable skills to the table. They serve in increments of three years.

Alden F. Alexander
Jeffrey W. Andersen
Henry H. Anderson, Jr.
Daniel J. Basta
Nathaniel P. Benjamin
William B. Bonvillian
Richard H Burroughs, III
Melinda E. Carlisle
Julie E. Doering
Elizabeth A. Goddard
Alan J. Granby
Lyndon Haviland
Gary Jobson
Lynn Malerba (Chief Many Hearts)
Peter McCracken
Nancy J. McIntire
Chris McMahon
J.W. Robert Medland
Joan E. O’Neill
Russell Potter
Bailey Pryor
B. Michael Rauh
Dawn Riley
Howard C. Rosenbaum
Matthew P. Stackpole
Nancy B. Vietor
J. Jeffrey Walker
Thomas A. Whidden
Preston Whiteway

Ex-Officio Members:

Peter Armstrong, President
George C. White, Council Chair
Michael S. Hudner, Board Chair

Updated January 2021
